Monday, December 31, 2012

Oh God I'm Writing Again.....

It's been ages since my last post. This has been for a lot of reasons. All of which are perfectly acceptable excuses for not taking the time to work on a sub-par blog. Either way this piece isn't very good anyhow so you weren't missing much.

I originally wanted to look back on 2012. I would have probably said something extremely cliche like "it was a year of ups and downs" or "I've grown so much blah blah blah," but who really cares about that. Every year has its ups and downs, and for the most part everybody grows. I mean hell, you have 365 days to at least do SOMETHING to better yourself. Even if it is just finally remembering to put the toilet seat down when you are finished.

At the end of the day though, what can you really do with the past? It is what it is. You try to take the pros and cons and grow from them. Ultimately though you have to move on from all of it. The good times, the bad times, they are all gone. I used to be a person who dwelled on the past too much, and to a degree I still do. I tend to overanalyze things way too much, especially if something I did got me in trouble. I'd create different angles I could have gone about things in my head, trying to fix it somehow. This would go on for days, even weeks depending on how serious the issue was.

As I look on to 2013, I know there is much that I have done in my past that I am not proud of. I've hurt people that didn't deserve to be hurt and things have fallen apart with people I truly cared for. There is nothing I can do about that now. The person typing away at this keyboard is who he is.

Going into this new year I'm hoping all of you continue to work on who you are. We all can be better people in some way or another. Don't beat yourself up in the process though. I've made my fair share of mistakes that I wish I could take back, but dwelling on them will only hinder any progress I try to make in my own personal growth.

So look back on 2012, acknowledge it's impact on your life, but let it go. 2013 is a clean slate for all of us. Make it count.

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