Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Pursuit of Happiness

Well I'm back again. After a nearly 9 month hiatus here I am posting on consecutive days. I know, I can't believe it myself.

I want to start off by wishing everybody a fantastic 2013. Whether you went out or stayed in, hopefully you all had a great time reigning in the new year. I myself spent the evening with good friends and created some great memories. It doesn't get any better than that if you ask me. 

Now if any of you follow me on Facebook, you might have read what my new year's resolution was for 2013. I thought long and hard about it the week before. Ultimately I came with a really basic plan, become a better man by the end of this year than I am going into it. It seemed like a simple idea at the time, until I started thinking about how I was going to accomplish this goal. It was such a broad idea that I knew I had to narrow it down into something more specific. 

Now keep in mind that this is the first time I've written down the list. The details will no doubt change throughout the year, but I knew it was most important to just focus on the concepts. I've always strived to be better, but never really took the time to figure out how I was going to do it. 

So, in no particular order, here it is.

1) Create more than I consume

While analyzing my hobbies, I realized I spend almost all of my time enjoying the creations of other people. Whether it be watching a movie/TV, reading a book, or playing a video game; I am spending all of my time enjoying the work of others. Heck, even the cereal I'm eating for dinner was made by somebody else. 

Now I'm not saying that my goal this year is to build a car from scratch or make my own breakfast cereal, but there are so many things I can do in my day to day life that can help balance the ratio out. I can cook more meals from scratch, get back into writing fiction, or even build a chair. Before I go out and buy anything, I'm going to ask myself first if I can create it on my own.

2) Live a healthier lifestyle 

This one is pretty self explanatory. For me though it's been one of my biggest short fallings. I eat terribly and exercise much less than I should. Now according to those wonderful charts the doctor gives you I fall within the "healthy" category, but I know there is so much room for improvement. Not to mention I used to be a much bigger kid when I was growing up, and no matter how much weight you lose you never shake what that feels like. 

So simply put, I'm going to take better care of my body. Limit the bad stuff going in, and try to play more sports than I watch. Sounds easy on paper but I know this one is going to be the hardest to keep up with. 

3) Listen more than I talk

Now if you are a huge introvert, this comes naturally. Your goal for this year would be to try and be more assertive when engaging others. For me though......that's never been a problem. Being super outgoing is great for the most part. When it comes to my future career it is a fantastic quality to have, but I can't tell you how many times I've left conversations and couldn't remember all the specific details of what the other person was talking about. So instead of spending so much time formulating responses, I will invest it in asking more questions. 

4) Teach someone something 

Giving back has always been something that is important to me. It's also been something I've done very little of over the years. Now I'm hardly an expert on enough things to start my own afternoon show on ABC, but there are definitely strengths that I possess that can be shared with others. So if anybody wants to learn how to drive stick, give me a call. 

5) Keep a journal

Real simple, so my friends don't have to listen to me bitch about my problems so much. You are welcome.

Which leads me to.....

6) Curse less

I've gotten in a horrible habit of just letting profanity fly without any thought. Adding a curse does not add more emphasis to what you are saying, it makes you look like an uneducated putz. 

This one also leads me to......

7) Expand my vocabulary

Now this doesn't mean I'm going to start reading the dictionary, but things like spell check have turned me into a very lazy writer. If I'm going to become any better at this hobby of mine, I'm going to need to beef up the word bank. How am I going to do this? Lots and lots of scrabble.....I mean a TON. 

8) Be less of a romantic

This has gotten me in trouble ever since I was twelve. Now this doesn't mean I'm going to be a total jerk by any means, but I certainly can be less of an open book. I've always had a habit of wearing my heart on my sleeve when I should have kept it much closer to the chest. I'm way way way too trusting with the most precious side of myself, and for my own sake I must teach myself to control it better. 

9) Travel 

Unfortunately a trip to China isn't really in the cards for 2013, but the opportunity to take simple road trips has always been there. I just never took it. I've lived in Wisconsin for twenty three years of my life and I've probably only seen a quarter of it, tops. This year I will get out more, even if there isn't even a real destination in mind. I've always said I wanted to see as much as this planet has to offer, well, you gotta start somewhere. 


10) Invest more into my education

Fiscally I'm doing PLENTY. Everybody knows how insanely expensive college is these days. But am I putting as much effort and energy into it as I am dollars and cents? The answer is most definitely no. So instead of breezing through the reading and hammering out the assignment a few hours before it is due, I'm going to really put my energy into learning the material. 

Now I'll admit, deciding to become a business major was hardly the sexiest decision I've made in my life. Learning about information systems and fiscal responsibility within the work place is hardly what I consider fun, but the more time and energy I pour into it, the more prepared I'm going to be when the time comes to use that information. If my ultimate goal is to become the best man I can be someday, I better be able to hang my hat on at least one legitimate accomplishment. This is it.

So there you have it, my blueprint for a better 2013. Will this list change? Absolutely. I'm sure by December it will have grown well into the twenties, but that is the beauty of a new year's resolution, every year it changes and evolves. Ten years from now I'm sure my list will be much different. If I'm lucky career advancement or being a better husband and father will be on here. For twenty six year old me though this is the list, and with focus and a lot of hard work I can make good on it. 

See you next year. 

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