Sunday, January 27, 2013

Change Your Attitude, You Might End Up Changing the World

I'm writing this on the heals of yet another action packed weekend. This time the destination was Madison, where my friends and I enjoyed some great food, one of the best live shows of my life, and even found time to sneak in a laugh or two. Even though I'm usually exhausted, I will always find time to sneak these kinds of trips in. In my opinion they are just great for the soul. You need to step outside of the box from time to time if you ever truly want to grow.

Life really is one large self-fufilling prophecy. What you get out of it 100% depends on what you put into it. Whether it's school, work, relationships, family, whatever, if you put your heart and soul into something great things will come from it.

That's one thing I absolutely love about Madison. Everywhere you look you are surrounded by people who are dedicating their lives to what they love. Some are finding financial success from it, some aren't, but all of them are living out their dreams. You cannot help but be inspired there.

I want that feeling to be a part of my life every single day. When I think of my future after business school, I always picture three piece suits and a life spent sitting in board rooms all day. For awhile I was content with that future, that future had lots of dollar signs after it.

Not so much anymore, I want my life to mean something. I want to spend everyday working to make my dreams come true, not someone else's. When I look around I'm so proud of the people in my life. They are so talented and have so much ambition. Many of them though, because of their work or family situations, aren't able to let those true talents soar.

This is one thing I absolutely hate about the business world these days. Everything is about the bottom line. True artists are not able to pursue their passions to their full extents because they are restricted to the rules and regulations set down by their superiors. To a point I understand why. Business is a numbers game and if you don't hit those numbers you fade away. But does the bottom line always have to be making as much money as humanly possible? Can we accomplish success by finding that happy medium between feeding our families and still exploring our passions in the process?

Just imagine what kinds of things these people can accomplish if they were truly free to pursue what they loved? I know my best work happens when I'm free of restrictions. When I can feel my work coursing through my veins is when I truly reach my potential. We all seek that feeling, and most of the time it feels completely unattainable. Something only the super rich and more fortunate can attain. What if all it took was a change of perspective though? Is it really that simple?

Who knows where I'll be in the next ten years, but I do know a few things for certain. I want to wear blue jeans to work. I want my work life and my family life to be one in the same. I want to be surrounded by great people everyday fulfilling their passions. Most of all though, I want to make a difference that reaches far beyond the balance in my checkbook. What that exactly will be is still up in there air, but for once I finally have a blueprint in place. And that makes me excited to get up everyday.

So find your passion and fight for it. Success comes in many forms, only you can define what that is. After twenty six years I've finally defined mine.....have you?

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