Tuesday, January 29, 2013

To Scene or Not to Scene? That is the Question!

In honor of the Oscars coming up, and my need to write about something that isn't deep as shit for once, I've decided it's time to  pound away at this keyboard and come up with my Mount Rushmore lists. What are the Mount Rushmore lists? Well they are the things that are so awesome that I'd carve them into granite. They are in no way supposed to be objective, instead they are totally biased and based solely on my opinion. Don't like it? Tough, this is my blog.

This Mount Rushmore list will be a two parter. Part one we will be my Mount Rushmore list of movie scenes. In other words, the scenes I found so amazing that I would take them with me on a desert island along with a pocket knife, my collection of maxim magazines, and The Best of Sade on vinyl. 

Part two will be my Mount Rushmore of movies. Basically the same thing as the Mount Rushmore of movie scenes, only the entire movie. Seems pretty self-explanatory but I figured I'd tell you anyway. 

After hours of wasting my time coming up with this list, here it is, in no particular order. My 2013 Mount Rushmore of movie scenes! Enjoy!

Jaws - The Estuary Scene

Jaws in my opinion is the oldest movie that still stands up to this very day. Despite a pretty hoaky mechanical shark, this film still has the ability to scare the shit out of you more by what you don't see than what you do. The estuary scene is by far the biggest psychological mind fuck of them all. Who doesn't have a slight fear when swimming in water that you can't see the bottom of? Exactly, not a soul. All of these fears reach their climax at the 58 second mark of this video. If you don't mind I need to go change my pants now.

Return of the Jedi- The Battle of Endor

The perfect ending to my favorite trilogy of all time. Yeah Return of the Jedi doesn't have the same emotion and depth that The Empire Strikes Back had, but it sure as hell knew how to finish the trilogy off with a bang. If this track ever comes on in my car I can't help but voice every line word for word as it's playing (including an immensely terrible impression of Lando yelling....shut up I'm a nerd.) From the 5:02 mark on it hits it's zenith. God damn it I love Star Wars....

Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade - The 3 Challenges

I can't find the entire video on youtube, so you'll have to live with only the last challenge. Whatever, you've seen the movie so you know what I'm talking about (if you haven't stop reading right now and rent the damn thing, it's awesome.) The perfect way to end the trilogy, and since Kingdom of the Crystal Skull exists in my world about as much as the Star Wars prequel trilogy does, I'm left ecstatic that Lucas and Spielberg chose to end the Indiana Jones franchise while it was still on top! (Cue uncontrollable sobbing into lean cuisine (+10 to intelligence if you understand that reference.)

Aliens - Ripley vs the Alien Queen

Again, the quality sucks on this video so I apologize in advance. Anyway I had to have a scene from, again in my opinion, the greatest sci-fi franchise of all time. Aliens is that rare movie that takes the great foundation of it's predecessor and builds on it in such a way that you are riveted for the entire movie (despite it's nearly three hour run time.) The whole ride culminates in one of the greatest chick fight in human, and alien, history. 

Return of the King - Gandalf on Death

Realistically I should just be putting this entire trilogy up here cause it's that F-ing good, but since this is a Mount Rushmore of movie scenes I have to choose just one. Like are you serious Gandalf?!? I'm already torn up enough about what is going on in this film, you have to drop some knowledge about life after death?!? No wonder I teared up like a little girl during the end credits.

The Dark Knight Rises - Batman's First Appearance

If blu-rays had the potential of wearing out, I would have already destroyed my copy of the Dark Knight Rises, mostly because of this scene. The movie itself also makes my Mount Rushmore of movies because I love it so much, but this scene especially has my heart. I'm a huge fan of any movie that motivates me to get off my ass and do something constructive with my time, this scene makes me want to MMA fight a grizzly bear. YOLO Batman........YOLO. 

The Fifth Element - The Ruby Rap 

In my opinion Chris Tucker's best performance ever. He is hilarious, you can't keep your eyes off of him, and he steals your attention away in a movie written by the cast of Fraggle Rock while they were high off PCP at a rave. Who knows if this movie gets made now with how weird it is, let's just thank the 90's for giving us such gems as Ruby Rhod. 

Bullitt - The Car Chase

I don't care what anyone says, Bullitt features the greatest car chase scene in movie history. It was Steve McQueen's idea to not include any type of musical score, instead allowing the cars to create the soundtrack. Absolutely F-ing genius!!! Screw you Fast and the Furious fans, nobody lived their life a quarter mile at a time more than Mr. McQueen did. Nobody. 

Braveheart - William's Execution

Show me a more powerful scene.......oh really you can't......exactly. Moving on. 

Saving Private Ryan - Omaha Beach

This one is pretty graphic so if you have a weak stomach stay away. Fair enough the movie has a little trouble with pacing as it goes on, this scene still has to be one of the top 10, if not top 5 scenes ever filmed. I can't imagine what it was like experiencing this for real. The next time you meet a WWII veteran make sure you shake his F-ing hand and say thank you. These guys are true heroes. 

Top Gun - Opening Credits

Top Gun is the weirdest movie in the history of movies. On one hand it has one of the best soundtracks featuring Kenny Loggins in his prime, as well as some of the greatest dogfighting video ever shot on film. On the other hand it has one of the gayest movie scenes ever (anybody up for some volleyball?) as well as HANDS DOWN the most awkward love scene ever (like watching your own conception awkward.) Despite all of this, the opening to Top Gun is awesome and instantly makes me want to do pushups for like 90 minutes straight (that is until that freaking love scene of course.....God damn it Tom Cruise....)


UP - Carl and Ellie

If you didn't tear up during this scene you have no soul. Leave it to Pixar to capture the greatest love story ever, and end it within the first 10 minutes of the film. ALL WHILE STLL KEEPING US FROM SCREAMING IN OUTRAGE!!! If anyone else does this we are up in arms about it. Anyway, simply put, this scene is beautiful. I absolutely love it. 

So there you have it! My 2013 Mount Rushmore of movies. I'm sure five minutes after I post this I'll be kicking myself for forgetting something. As of right now this is the list though! 


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